
Hi, I'm Jesse

👨🏾‍💻 I’m a Freelance Consultant / Web Developer
🤖 Read my interactive introduction
🤹🏾 I also create projects and like sports
✍🏽 Here I am documenting my journey by writing reflections

🌍 My Experience as a Team Leader in the 6-week Chingu Remote Programming Project

Note: AI assistance was employed in refining this article. Chingu.io is an innovative remote programming project that brings developers together from around the world to work on real-life projects. In this unique learning environment, I had the opportunity to take on the role of a team leader and developer. This position not only challenged me but also offered a platform to work on my leadership and technical skills in a collaborative, virtual setting....

November 22, 2023

🧑🏾‍💼 React Job Simulator: My First Impressions

Note: AI assistance was employed in refining this article. This summer, I’ve decided to go from treating coding as a hobby to turning it into a profession. Let me explain. Over the last 2 years, I’ve been learning to code for mainly two reasons. Personal Growth Save money on my entrepreneurial projects I’ve done a lot of reflection on what I enjoy and in which direction I want to move towards both personally and professionally....

September 9, 2023

🎚️ From React to Next.js Why I Made the Switch What I Learned

Note: AI assistance was employed in crafting and refining the article. Switching Lanes: From React to Next.js In the competitive landscape of web development and digital marketing, the frameworks you choose can be your secret weapon for success. Originally captivated by React’s flexibility and robust community, I’ve recently transitioned to Next.js. In this article, I’ll unpack the strategic and technical reasons behind the move, look at some advantages of Next....

September 2, 2023

🆙 I'm React State, Lift Me Up, Asshole

Note: AI assistance was employed in crafting the code snippets and refining this article. The inspiration came from the article: “I’m Comic Sans, Asshole”. Stop it. I said: “STOP. IT!”. Stupid. You have been re-rendering your TindasanaAI React component for the gazillionth time and the items you are selecting are always lost along the way. Well, it’s time to lift me up, asshole. You don’t understand why? Well, let me baby-feed this for you....

August 7, 2023

🛶 Navigating Web Development - Current Reflections

I started getting back into Web Development at the end of 2021 after realizing that I enjoy understanding how modern web development works and noticing that no-code page builders overcharge for features that are sometimes just one little line of code. Don’t get me wrong, I like no-code website builders, they often save a lot of time, but they can get pricey if you just want a few extra features....

July 31, 2023

🗃️ Archiving a Project

About 2 years ago I started remotenactive.com and the last weekend, I archived the project. The process of working on this project has made me realize what I learned during the ride. Here are unsorted things I learned Going through YCombinators’ startup school helped me structure my idea, but the real world had more unforeseen variables than expected Cheap website builders get pricey if you do not make enough money, I went from paying 19$/month to 29$/month, only to rebuild things on my own and pay 0$/month My tech journey: From carrd and airtable to making my landing page with HTML, CSS, JS, then going to Ghost with customizing the theme, and in the end archiving with Hugo and customizing a theme Doing Sales is super hard, automating lead generation with tools on social media is kinda cringy, but brought a little sale I don’t enjoy being in the digital spotlight and having to post on social media frequently Modern marketing is an online battle of optimized images and sneaky words Going viral is random Creating online content regularly is tough, very tough SEO Tools are fascinating, but some things are like a black box One of the most exciting parts of a project is rebuilding things nobody cares about (except yourself) Spammers, spammers and scammers everywhere Having any kind of business related social circle, be it digital or in real-life is essential Know when to move on

June 27, 2023

🧘🏾‍♂️Reflecting On My 10-Day Vipassana In A Buddhist Temple In Thailand

🌱 This article is a unique experience written 100% by me The Other Side - A Buddhist Story One day a young Buddhist on his journey home came to the banks of a wide river. Staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in front of him, he pondered for hours on just how to cross such a wide barrier. Just as he was about to give up his pursuit to continue his journey he saw a great teacher on the other side of the river....

May 1, 2023

🫵🏾 Follow Yourself

I’m trying something new again and this one is counter-intuitive. My new approach to my online presence is as follows: You don’t have to follow me. Instead, you should follow yourself. You already have everything you need to become successful, happy, and fulfilled. By following yourself I mean taking time out of every day to reflect deeply on your emotions, experiences, and topics that are most relevant to you. Therefore, there is no need to follow me....

March 28, 2023

🔭 Thoughts Moving Into 2023

Once again, I have been taking time off social media. Since I have gone silent on Twitter and LinkedIn, I am feeling a stronger sense of calmness and have gotten back into the habit of reading regularly. This has brought me to some thoughts going into 2023. Silent Work Social Media, especially indie hackers on Twitter embrace “Work in Public”. Working in public on social media platforms does have its upsides, like increased accountability, or feedback from people reading on your progress....

January 3, 2023

🔍 Introducing the LinkedIn Recent Shares Button Extension

As a hobby software developer, I am always looking for ways to improve my workflow and make my job easier. Recently, I decided to try my hand at creating a Chrome extension to help me navigate LinkedIn more efficiently. The Goal The goal of my extension was to add a new button to LinkedIn profile pages that would allow me to quickly view a person’s recent shares. I thought this would be a useful feature because it would save me from having to navigate through multiple menus and pages to see someone’s recent activity....

December 5, 2022